About Me

Ama-Jane Adai


Hello, I am a little lady in her twenties currently figuring out the ups and downs of life, and this is my blog where I try to make sense of it all. As a Black-British girl growing up in one of the most multi-cultural countries, my experiences have shaped and often strengthened me. Navigating life as a baby adult, learning to establish myself whilst also build my legal career, become financially stable and work on healing any past traumas so I don’t dump on anyone is a lot. A societal pressure most individuals in their twenties feels. So, I decided to impart said experiences onto anyone that seeks to gain a new perspective and hopefully part with either knowledge or a laugh.

Get in touch

Feel free to leave a comment, share your own opinions or leave any advice.

Head over to the contact page if you need to reach me!

Ama-Jane Adai

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